Privacy Policy

Le Petit Poète aims to be fully compliant with GDPR regulations. We collect cookie information about our visitors for the following reasons:

– statistical purposes to track how many users we have and how often you visit our website

– collection of information to monitor behavior on the site and improve our services

We do not monitor individual traffic patterns on our site and we will do our utmost to respect your privacy.

Collecting of information

We do collect information on our users through Google Analytics, and when you sign up for our newsletter. If you have signed up for our newsletter in the past or future, or given us your email address because of something else, we will not sell or pass on your details to any other company.

How do we protect your information?

Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. We implement a variety of security measures when a user enters, submits, or accesses their information to maintain the safety of your personal information. However, no online data transmission can be guaranteed to be 100% secure.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file with data stored by your browser on your computer. If you visit the website another time, a cookie will make sure that your browser is recognized. For example, your settings for log-ins can be preserved, or the website shows information that may be of interest to you more clearly. Cookies can also be used for statistical purposes. Cookies are always anonymous and your personal information will not be known until you leave it.

Third Parties

Les annonceurs tiers tels que Google Analytics, Facebook Pixels ou Sendinblue génèrent des cookies statistiques pour suivre les impressions publicitaires et les conversions. L’utilisation de cookies par des tiers est soumise aux politiques de confidentialité et de cookies propres à ces sociétés. Pour en savoir plus sur Google’s privacy policy, suivez le lien. Voici également une extension Chrome que Google a développée pour pouvoir se désengager de son programme Analytics :

How to opt out?

Les lecteurs peuvent refuser la publicité comportementale en ligne en utilisant les méthodes suivantes : Utiliser l’outil de désactivation des choix en ligne proposé sur le site Modifiez les paramètres du navigateur de votre ordinateur pour bloquer, supprimer et/ou contrôler l’utilisation de tous les cookies tiers. Reportez-vous à la documentation du navigateur web de votre ordinateur pour plus d’informations.

Social media

On the Le Petit Poète website, you can share information via social media, via the available social media buttons. The relevant social media can place cookies via these buttons. We have no influence on the use of these cookies by these parties. They are responsible for the use and provision of data obtained in this way. The privacy policy and the general terms and conditions of the social media platforms involved apply to this use. Find the privacy policies of the relevant social media platforms below:


If you have questions about our privacy statement or the use of your information, you can get in touch with us directly via the following email address:
